Sadia Sea International
Enhance our expertise and employ it in achieving positive growth in the marine wealth investment sector locally and regionally
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(العربية) تختص بالاستثمار في مجال بيع واستيراد المنتجات والمأكولات البحرية واللحوم من داخل المملكة وخارجها بأعلى مواصفات ومعايير الجودة ، تمتلك موظفون مدربون يقومون بتوفير أجود أنواع الأسماك اللحوم ، للعملاء من الشركات و الفنادق و المطاعم ، و كذلك تستثمر الشركة في انشاء المراكز التجارية بإمتلاك مركز سادية البحر في شارع عابر القارات بأبحر الشمالية بمدينة جدة .
توفر الأسماك منتجات غذائية ذات أهمية عالية تساهم بتحقيق الأمن الغذائي بناء على رؤية 2030 من خلال التركيز على الجودة والسلامة الغذائية والتطوير المستمر.
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our business
Rabiza company, working with expertise and professional real estate leadership, goes by the slogan (In your service, we continue and rise) and this slogan sets the satisfaction and aspirations of our customers as a goal and priority we seek, which in fact motivates us to improve the level of our services and benefit from the amount of experience we have gained in all real estate fields from development, marketing and consultancy if What we have achieved, the successes with the grace of God first and then with the confidence of our customers will not make us stand, but rather put on us the responsibility for development and innovation to reach many innovative real estate products despite the challenge that innovation poses, which increases our determination with God’s help to continue to grow and reach new stages of achievements that Al-Qatar Company, taking advantage of the promising opportunities in the real estate market, to occupy a leading position among the real estate development poles.
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